Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! I am spending a relaxing day in the dorm until time to go out this evening. Lots of the girls are reading in preparation for the first day of class tomorrow. Not me!! I don't have any assignments due tomorrow, so I'm definitely not doing any work. I don't even have my books, yet. Tomorrow is sure to be a busy day with class, chapel, and plenty of errands to run. I'm excited, I'm not gonna lie. I'm good at school, and I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine. I really like it here, but it's hard not to compare myself to the other people here and think I am not good enough to be here. I know everyone has a story and God uses anyone he chooses and no one is perfect, but I still feel inferior. I know this is where I am supposed to be, and God is going to transform me. I just have to learn to see myself the way he sees me.

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