Monday, October 4, 2010

Presto Change-o

I've changed the look of my blog again and my title as I move into a new season in my relationship with Christ. My typical prayer now is that God would guide my steps. I am thankful that he promises to never leave me and that as my shepherd he will lead me as long as I will follow. If I stray or somehow lose my way, he will find me. If I am in trouble, he will rescue me.

I hope my blog will be a place of encouragement to others that points them towards Christ. Everything that God has offered and given to me is available to you. I by no means have things figured out. I am constantly being convicted and called to a higher way of thinking and doing. But I do know this: God loves every one of us. God specially made each one of us and cares to have a relationship with us. Grace, peace, mercy, redemption, restoration, healing, love...all these things are available to anyone through Christ!

As I walk the rest of this Seminary road and seem to begin what feels like the "rest of my life," my prayer is this: "Lead me, Lord. I will follow."

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