Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmastime is Here

Finally an update. I bombed my one and only exam but still pulled out a C in the class. I didn't even cry. I have been home since last Friday and will be here until the 30th. On the 31st I am heading to Nebraska with my boyfriend (it's feels weird saying that) to visit some of his friends for New Years'. It should be fun...and snowy!! It will be the most snow I've ever seen probably.

My first semester at seminary went well and I have plans for next semester to be better. I may play on some intramural teams and I will definitely have specific time each day to spend on school work, rather than doing it all last minute.

God has been working in my life over the past several months in lots of different ways. I am not perfect and don't have things figured out by any stretch of the imagination, but I see many places where he is changing me. I am thankful for that. I am thankful that he chooses to use me, love me, and forgive me even when I make bad choices or say mean things or just sleep half of my days away.

I am enjoying my break and look forward to having more time off. I hope everyone has a great Christmas!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

On a break...

I suppose I shall update again once the semester is over. Less than 2 weeks away!